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This project was one inspired by the style of film and special effects of Georges Mellies. Its odd and rather corny, but it was still a blast to make.(though i did have baby powder all over my jeans for the rest of the day after shooting). 

In this project we were to create a short video of abstract imagery that would be incorporated into a longer class reel to be shown in an exhibition. I wont say more as its best you go into it clear minded. 

This project was an assignment to see if we could create a brief compelling video while cloning ourselves, its short and stupid (like me) but its stupid in a good way.

For this project our shirt films had to have a surprise twist. And that's all ill say because spoilers suck!

For this project I was to make a film based around out of place sound effects, all the audio was added in post out of brief sound bytes. For the story of it i asked my twin to do random stuff. he chugged a soda and choked so i thought "hah that's funny, ill make this my plot"

This was my final project i did in a large group with my classmates, it has rough edges but it was an amazingly rewarding, challenging, and long process. Enjoy!

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